Springfield, Illinois (29, September 2020) – The BRANDT Foundation awarded three grants to charitable organizations at its regularly-scheduled July meeting.
The July 2020 grantees, all 501(c)3 organizations in good standing for the past three years, boast close ties to the Ag industry and local communities in California and Illinois.
Central California Foodbank – As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, many communities and individuals across Central California are facing hunger and food insecurity. The BRANDT Foundation grant will be used to help fund The Neighborhood Market and Mobile Pantry program. This program will help tackle that insecurity by providing access to healthy foods in low income and rural communities by distributing locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need.
To learn more about the programs, click HERE
Boys & Girls Club of Livingston County – This grant will help implement the Triple Play program, which is designed to help drive healthy lifestyles for youth. Since launching in 2005, Triple Play has made more than 14.4 million connections with kids and teens, promoting the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition. The BRANDT Foundation’s donation will help ensure that the youth within the local community have the same access to the Triple Play program.
To learn more about the program, click HERE
Friends of Williamsville Public Library & Museum – The BRANDT Foundation grant will be used to help create an outdoor agriculture exhibit for the museum that will help tell the story of Central Illinois’ rich Ag history. Gardening will bridge the gap from the past to the present by educating visitors about agriculture from farm fields to their backyards. The plan is to inspire participants to connect with agriculture by growing food. Specifically, the grant will fund ADA accessible equipment such as raised garden beds, rain barrels, and permeable pavers to maximize the space that is accessible for gardening and programming.
All the grants are connected to the local communities where BRANDT does business. The mission of The BRANDT Foundation is “to provide meaningful assistance and support to the communities, farms and families where BRANDT has facilities.”
The BRANDT Foundation is a private foundation, funded through donations from BRANDT, Inc. and BRANDT employees.